Monday, August 27, 2012

College Kiddos & Kitty Babies

Liz started college today!!! So did my son, Christopher!!! So proud of these kids for there sweetness and diligence. So thrilled to be part of their lives as they become adults. And so happy for the grown-up friendships we can have together. 

Also, I just have to brag on my kitty babies today too. They were such good sports on this first day of having our bathroom renovated. They were so curious, so wanted to be right in the middle of it all. But sweetly stayed in the bedroom with mama for most of the time, curled up at my feet. I am so proud of them. These kitties do not like closed doors. They love access to everything all the time. It was a great relief to mama that they cooperated so well.. ~ Bon

The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, True Aim Education, We Are That Family, Women Living Well, lowercase letters, Passionate and Creative Homemaking, Consider the Lilies, Raising Homemakers

image from here

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